Hey! Today was soooo fun! And ppl in our class are turning to animals! XD Haha.
Anyway, we had class party today. Thks to all those people who brought food!!! They were really nice u know. The brownies, sausages, spagetti, pizza... YUM!!!! Hehe.. Im feeling hungry liao
Oh and the performance was very nice too. I didnt think that my parents would dance, and joyan i would be thinking like you if i didnt see them perform you know. Oh and tessa's aunt was so pro!!! She did the cartwheel leh! Their family got gymnastic genes. Still, pro pro pro!!! *applauds*
Hope you guys had a nice time in your primary schools like i did!
~Bye Bye~
if we just hold on together; 7:10 PM
Yay today was so hyper right haha :D
Hope you all enjoyed the concert as much I did, esp all the performances yeah man nanyang is so enthu about this kind of stuff and I was screaming too, Joyan! Your lungs will recover, no worries :)
Lets all congraluate Ms Chooi for looking really really nice in her HCJC uniform when school reopens k! And the party was pretty okay, except the fact I will never eat pizza for 2 months or so haha! Okay, kidddding.
DID YOU ALL GO SEE YOUR PROGRESS REPORTS?Don't forget okay hahahahha!
And .. apparently, Ms Chooi wrote that I am lousy in algebraic manipulation, well she didnt exactly write that but,ah well nvm. Andand I shall take this opportunity to thank alllll the teachers :]
Forbeingsolovelypeople :D
MsTeng and her sticking of pencils on her ear, and all her drama voice, and humour.
MsChooi for being really reasonable (she is ald okay, we're a bunch of lil' devils man) and nice
HLS for being so patient and tolerant.
103 class chinese teacher for.. er.. teaching them? Sorry, I dont know her.
Ms Goh for her good explanations
Mrs Tan for her.. sick-minded-ness so that we'd pay attention
Mr Shone for his really nice personality and his accent! :D
Mrs Kuan for digressing and that we can pay attention and her stories
Ms Khoo for being really nice and jolly and patient.
Oh, while you're enjoying your holidays, dont forget..you have a pile of work waiting for you. I'm just reminding you dear :]
if we just hold on together; 6:32 PM
since audrey has taken to mooing like a cow, i shall be a guai dog and start woofing!!! haha... ok, more like barking... but .. WHO CARES!!!! :)
happy teachers' day everybody!!!!!
i loved the concert, didn't you all????????? it was sooooo much nicer than the primary school one, and the teachers AND parents were all so sporting!!!!! i love them all!!!!!
and VENUS, thanks your mum for us, for being so nice and dancing on stage!!!!!!!! yay..... she rocks!!!! haha.... if my mum does that, i'll like worship her forever.... but i think the chances of that happening are like -100%. :(
anyway, you know the parent who was right in the middle, who did cartwheel and split, my sis said that she's the parent of this super duper pro pro gymnast who is representing singapore!!! so cool right? haha... gymnastic genes.... tessa!!!! do you have any of that?? :) even if not, we still love you as much!!!!! haha... :) feeling really high after the concert!!! was screaming my lungs out with kylie by my side.... (my lungs will never be the same again)
next year, let's work harder to put up something nice, K? it's so fun!!! but it must be a class effort, or else it'll all end up with tessa and some nice nice people doing everything..... i know you can do it..... jia you, 113!!!! :)
so, did you all go back after the concert? to nyps? to rgps? to......?
haha... we went back to rgps..... so happy to see all our old teachers.. ;)
and on that note... (notice how our principal is FOREVER saying that???? i'm following her example!!! :) HAPPYTEACHERS'DAY!!!!!! :)))
if we just hold on together; 3:58 PM
tmr class partayye.
Who's bringing What:
Joyan - Sausages
Audrey - Brownies
Amanda - Spaghetti
Charlotte - Packet Drinks
Celine - Cookies
Tentative - Pizze
So, please remember! If not we'll end up with a disastrous horrid empty-ish class party ><"
Andand the sleepy corner books have not been returned nor found. Therefore, the class has to pay for those books. Currently, the total is 32 dollars, 18 for mine and 14 for jean's. Anybody else wants to claim, please go tell the treasurer so she can compile.
And according to celine, everybody bring $6.40 tmr to pay for something. cnt rmb wad ><"
<3 audrey`
if we just hold on together; 9:23 PM
hello everybody!!!!!!!!!!
teachers' day on friday....
so, like shi ting said, do you all want to give something as a class????
and we're having a class party on friday,ermmm.. right? :)
so, who's bringing what???? (hehe... i can bring sausages again, if you all want)
is tessa going to take charge????cos' it seems a bit bad to ask ms chooi to take charge, since it's HER DAY!!!!! yup yup.... unseen prose thingy tomorrow.... sigh..........
-you-know-who- :)
if we just hold on together; 9:05 PM
Here's the fourty second post hurray for all :]
Today was the kitchen trial hope everyone had fun chopping up garlic and bakin' and stuff
(and i do hope that sarah's stomachache will recover)
Lets talk about our sleepy corner manzxzxz people!
Like what tzehui wrote on the board (i thought it was venus haha)
promised to be responsible, it may not be us who lose the book
It may be anyone who steps into the class but as long as
The books belong to any one of us
We dooooo have a responsiblity for it k
AND i want my book back, it causes around 14 dollars
So unless y'all are super duper rich and willing to pay us back
You can start looking for the books and everything.
Here's a reminder UNSEEN PROSE prac tmr people :[
Saddening and zuowen too, and BRP zomggggg
oh the horrrrror
if we just hold on together; 8:41 PM
Hey all you broccolies!
Please be reminded that the kitchen trial is this coming TUESDAY, and if you haven't started, it's a good time to.
if we just hold on together; 12:54 PM
if we just hold on together; 4:03 PM
Hey peoplepeoplepeople all hand in your worksheet 6 and 7 by lunch tomorrow or I will die!!!!! AND YOU PEOPLE DON'T WANT ME TO DIE RIGHT???!!!!! (NO YOU DON'T!) last day le!!!! my convenience ends tomorrow!!!!! WORKSHEETS PLEASE!
if we just hold on together; 7:33 PM
Shit you lah.... Whathe hell lah!If you say its not the same person, its almost impossible to believe. How can you do this again and again? Deleting the class blog not enough is it? Now go target our tagboard. Idiot lah. Seriously hope its not inside job. I think most of us dont want it to be a inside job. I mean like i would rather it be someone who wasnt from 113. If its the same person.... You WILLL die!!And i seriously agree with shi ting. We should put a tracker so that we know who visited the blog and stuff. Stupid idiot!!! You just watch out.I wannta kill someone. Go DIE lah you idiot!!!Venus
if we just hold on together; 12:18 AM
ahh. bad news. like wtf
SOME BUSTERD DELETED OUR TAGBOARD.not deleted as in deleted the posts. somewhat like deleting the class blog. D:
the whole thing
whoom and then it's gone. could it be the same person? most probably. jean, is the cbox account password the same as the blogger account password?
i assume it is then. D: maybe we should have changed the password
s some long eons ago. for all you know the class blog and/or tagboard will get
ahem deleted again.
wtfwtfwtf D: another
years months of memories down the drain D: bloody hell lah. that
toot didn't even wait for one month before deleting the tagboard D:.
maybe we should really put the tracking thing down there.
hopee it's not an insider job. i mean every one's already feeling so sad 'bout the poor
old class blog and then you play play for fun go delete the tagboard.
although it's not as important as the blog. it still holds our
dumbdumb memories D: ahh. one day jean, maybe we should change our password
s and not forgetting to put a tracking thingie of course.
i really hope it's someone play play go delete [haha :D] then it be a thirteener that did it yeah?
peace out
shi ting
is sad .
if we just hold on together; 4:46 PM
so. It's named after the few of us who went to help our darling cactus(: And all thanks to the 205 senior who volunterily climbed up the window to take the cactus for us. SO NICE RIGHT! she deserves a written apology!
so here's to our new cactus,

may he never have to fall out the window and shai tai yang again(:
if we just hold on together; 11:04 PM
jiayou one- thirteen to all those going for PSL interview tmr!
(1) Tessa
(2) Joyan
(3) Jean
(4) Audrey
(5) Amanda
(6) Jia En
(7) Sim Hwee
(8) Celine
(9) me!
<3 Lauren
if we just hold on together; 10:22 PM
...i WOULD post more but as i wrote earlier...i rarely have anything important to the class to say. XD....BUT today...i have just decided i want to collect my science worksheets next wednesday SO PEOPLE PLEASE DO YOUR SCIENCE WORKSHEETS 6 AND 7 BY NEXT WEDNESDAY, BRING IT AND HAND IT TO ME!!!!! heheh mr shone is so nice...never give deadline de...i quote: at your own convenience, anytime next week. =D and since it's supposed to be at my own convenience...people don't hand in too early. W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y. Or...you COULD hand in to me early...but heheh i shan't take responsibility if anything happens to your worksheets. XD I'm evil! XD
From your darling science rep,
tzehui. =D
if we just hold on together; 11:54 AM
Nono, Audrey, your dance is nice! I mean we all never say cause obviously it's nice, so no need to say okay! :D Go beach go beach! :D Haha, i'm fine with anything lah
if we just hold on together; 10:02 PM
audrey is sad.
nobody said the performance was nicee.
but my hair was nice right!
i loved my hair.
curse that puny stage.
but you will all pretend that audrey danced really well today(:
say something first.
uhh. the chalet right, i think i won't be going anymore.
changed my mind.
so are we going to the beach or not?
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 8:12 PM
ahaha :D just to post and keep this
dead not so lively blog alive. :D public advertising!
shooting-star94.blogspot.com and shuddup it's not mine :D i SQUEEEZED it out of alicia during infocomm. [we're still in mourning ): D: O:] anyways, whatever i was just feeling rather bored ): i'm gonna cry ): actually, i was thinking that during the days when our class blog got deleted right, like how many ppl came to post, and suddenly our blog became so um 'lively' and then like what one two weeks it's dead again ): maybe the person should delete it again so every one will come back and start posting about how he/she/it should go and die blah blah and stuff. :D just kidding :D
if we just hold on together; 5:12 PM
When is the week we are going to cook our recipe? And and and and, actually I 've got nothing else to say. Oh yeah, I suddenly rmb must bring plastic bags for the class!
if we just hold on together; 4:20 PM
erm just an update on the chalet thing
i know a lot of you think its costly, yeah. so actually we should book the smaller one, then it will be 180 for two nights, so for each person it will cost about 10-15 dollars depending on how many go!
yup yup
and the BBQ pit for the chalet is sheltered, so you don't have to worry about rain.
and erm, yeah beach! we could either take a bus to pasir ris park, or we could just play at the beach next to the chalet.
so. yeah.
thanks for listening (reading)
if we just hold on together; 9:58 PM
Aloha world!
Redblueyellow our school colours, lol!
Did anyone actually try the NYSC drink? It tasted abit.. cough medicine-ish? Haha.
FairyJean (pardon the.. er.. fairy-ish)
if we just hold on together; 4:52 PM
Thank you for cleaning up our classroom celine!
Yes I know it was you.
you always do lovely things like that.
We did want to implement this no footwear thing at term 2. You probably don't know it cos half the class was away on the primary school attachement thing. Remeber when some of us mopped up and cleaned up the whole class room? Yeah, he whole mop and sweep and wipe and the sorts. But I guess its not really very feasible as some people, like a certain treasurer need quite a length of time to wear back their shoes since they can't stuff their foot in. Plus, I think the teachers would want to wear their shoes in! And it'd be quite messy with all our shoes outside, and any visitors and such would have to take off their shoes and its quite bothersome. Yepp. And don't think about shoe racks. I think nobody wants to pay for them. So, I think its not quite feasible but if our class really wants it den I think we can try it.
long length of text. lol.
anyway. I know its late, but for any nocturnal animals out there like yours truly, tmr's phototaking which means NAMETAGS must be on, HONGZI must be worn and no jackets, charlotte that means you(:
And regarding the class chalet, since minority of the class wants it, maybe we could switch it to a barbeque instead. I was thinking my house, since I can quite easily book the pit there and there's a pool and stuff. Including a playground for our childhood deprived Jean. Yupp. Its not confirmed cos I need to check with my mum. But if we do it, it should probably be around 27 November which is a Tuesday, yes i know, CCA, but let's just see how things work out. The cost of the pit will probably be a dollar to 2 dollars a person and the food cost can sponser or claim from treasury so all will pay. yepp. So I need to know if the class really wants this, then I can talk to my mum about it. Yupp(:
That's all,
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 10:55 PM

Now that I have your attention...
Hello one and all
As you all have probrably realized, our new tables and chairs have arrived. I know this is an auspicious moment for every nanyang girl, including ourselves, but i would like to to bring your attention to something.
Although the plastic wrap was indeed difficult to remove, but that is not an excuse to leave it all over the place. Seriously guys, our classroom was a MESS. It's even messier than sim hwee and a pig living together. (No offense)
Thankfully we have a handful of motivated young ladies who heard the cries of help from the class, and helped clean up. I'm sure you do not like studying in an awful, dusty, littered area, do you?
I understand it may be hard to keep the class tidy because of our tight schedules (or not), but please at least keep your desk neat and the floor under it clean. Every little effort will make a difference, my dear girls.
Anyhow, I have a suggestion. Shall we make our classroom strictly footwear free? Considering the fact that 113
is a place of worship, and should be treated with due respect.
This not only will bring about a greater sense of responsibility to keep our class tidy, it will also compel us to put our litter in it's place; nobody likes to walk on yucky things, such as our classroom floor. (don't tell me your name is nobody)
I know this is not a practical idea, but I would appreciate if we give this concept a bit of thought, and maybe we can come up with something good.
By the way, the class room ledges are not a storage area. Any personal belongings will be propmtly discarded by the people on duty, who obviously haven't really been dutying much, unless the duties were to not do their duty which will be senseless because duties were meant to be done!
Yes, you heard that right! Duties were meant to be done.
So from this day forth, I hope the new feng shui that our new furniture has brought is for the greater good, and let's not damaged our new zen energies by disrupting it with the utmost evil of garbage.
Thank you and goodnight.
Celine, the flying hippo that watches over you while you sleep.
(Bet you didnt know that)
if we just hold on together; 7:44 PM
HELLO!!!!!! I AM POSTING HERE AGAIN!!!!! Ok...i better not post too much...my posts generally have nothing to do with the class. XD BUT...=D YAY PEOPLE SCHOOL TOMORROW!!! love, tzehui.
if we just hold on together; 3:54 PM
HELLO.some people owe me their history.just so that you bring it tomorrow and DON'T FORGET.forgetting is very convenient. :(sovenus;tzehui;charlotte;laurenbring tomorrow k? :)ok good.BYE.its sarah by the way. but if you hadn't figured it out then. well. what can i say?
if we just hold on together; 7:59 AM
2 nights!!! : D : D
like lifeskills camp wheeee
i want chalet! chalet is fun!
we must make the teachers stay over so we can SCARE THEM HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(esp ms RACHEL khoo!! i want to meet her boyfriend!!!)
(: (: (: (: (:
sorry i am abnormally high
sorry random
if you guys really want this class chalet!
we've got to make it work okay!
don't let it be screwed up D :
so must confirm with me so i can book!
i am wearing my p5 camp shirt (which is red) and my NY track pants haha i am patriotic too! : D
listen to this quote!
"can i ask you to follow me on a journey which is life?" SO ROMANTIC! : D : D
anyway if you're worried about geography the model answers are on ivle!
i am so worried oh dear.
carissa : D
the car and curry
if we just hold on together; 6:10 PM
I cant wait for school to reopen!
Chalet :D
I dunno if I free leh :
but I really wanna go
So I dunno!
400 divided by 18 = 22.2 (recurring)
pooof how many nights ? :D
I am wearing the ninety tee shirt
Haha and white fbts omg
I am so patriotic to singapore (you can start laughing)
Listen to this
" I am so glamourous glitter is jealous"
"I am so cool ice cubes melt"
Yay! :D
: I think I am really post-spamming this whole blog.
I'm glad this blog is less dead,
so everyone start posting!
And I cant wait for drama night.
D: Dunno why, I am weirddd gah.
Hahaha. We have a few more weeks to slack :D
Before EOYS :
" I am so happy, happiness gets sad."
I seldom post in this kindduf format
Dont know I just feel like doing it!
Agghhhh. Woods peppermint.
You realise how many PE and Geog lessons we missed over this long break?
Friday and Monday both have Geog and PE and we're misssing both :
I dont really mind though :D
Haha, and we've to wait a long long time before geog
I wanna watch Asoka though
(though it's Rated)
Nehmind I shall go (z)stone now
Oh, it's the jean here.
" I am so jean, jeans get faded".
if we just hold on together; 5:55 PM
sorry for the caps i'm hyper
so you guys want right!
final confirmation hor.
don't after my dad book then you all tell me don't want.
then my dad's 400 bucks go down the drain hor.
yeah. so. confirmed want, yes?
and we should start planning!
and all sponsors are once again welcome
and once again the date is 26-28 nov!
happy [belated] birthday to singapore
if we just hold on together; 5:19 PM
D= hey this isn't fun at all! Am I THAT easy to recognise?! D= \Happy belated national day! for you lucky people that got to watch the parade, (makes a face at them)XDsee you people i shall go post on my own blog. XDTzeHui (as you people seem to know already)
if we just hold on together; 4:53 PM
hello everybody!!!!! haha.... tze hui, you're soooooo super easy to recognise!!!!!! anyway, happy ndp everybody!!!!!!!! who went to the actual parade???? i wanted to go, but couldn't get tickets!!!! bleh...... went to watch the fireworks, though.... :) super nice!!!!! go tag on my blog, k????? at
www.he-rocks-forever-more.blogspot.com!!!! :)
if we just hold on together; 10:34 AM
happy national day guys(:
or girls.
and with reference to the previous post,
i'm positive.
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 5:53 PM
AHAHAHA!!! I can actually post here!!! Sorry sorry, this post is a little irrelevant to 113. BUT I CAN POST HERE!!!! XD Want to guess who i am? XD
if we just hold on together; 8:06 AM
jiayou for cross country tmr!
(both competitive&fun-runners)
go one- thirteen!
<3 lauren
if we just hold on together; 12:20 AM
well i don't think we're
ever going to find out who did it.
since they're not likely to confess, whether it was an accident/on purpose/other class/onethirteener.
so we should
move on! yupp.come on thirteen we can do this!:Doh and i love the two pictures.even if i can't see myself in one of them.<3i totally forgot what i was going to say.OHOH.you owe me something:audreycharlottetzehuilaurensarahvenuslynnTHAT'S SEVEN PEOPLE ZOMG.and five of you don't have extensions!if mschooi comes after me it's all your fault.ENTIRELY.ah good.and go to simhwee's blog to tag. NOW.sunsnaillollipop.blogspot.com
if we just hold on together; 9:43 PM
who is the freaking ^&%*U$ who deleted our class blog?
你吃饱没事做 is it?
Decide to, "oh, since i am SO FREE, i might as well go and delete our blog!"
what did you think you just did? hack into our account, and click that big blue button that says "delete blog" then you had a good laugh is it?
you stupid, insensitive, *******.
you think you ruined our class spirit.
we'll prove to you that YOU DIDN'T.
if we just hold on together; 9:23 PM
if we just hold on together; 7:11 PM

Here's the class photos sent to me by Carissa so if you all want them just right click save.
I say first ah if this blog gets deleted (again) i will not be so free to revamp it so that guilty person you better go reflect yourself. I know you know that it's quite impossble to know who you're , who destroyed our memories (btw, you are just like voldemort, or eve dementors who feed on our memory) , I know that you know the only way we can find out who you are is when you admit it. And if you have the guts to do it, why not admit it? So maybe we can even clear any misunderstanding if we accidentally offended you in any way.
Now, how would you feel if someone go to your blog and deletes it and everythin' is gone. I am keeping calm I will not be angry, but I believe that if no one owns up we cant do anything about it , I mean then we should just put it behind us and be more wary yup.
I believe even though part of our memory is deleted, we still have many nice memories to come right, like next year and so on, so lets not be mad at this person whoever he/she/it is, so yeah. Cross country tomorrow! Of all places, it's at turf city my goodness. Luckily tzehui's mum is fetching , three cheers for her haha!
Oh guys do you still rmb our camp cheer,yes the really spastic one that goes like T (clapclapclap) H (clapclapclap) I (clapclapclap) R(clapclapclap) TEEN, THIRTEEN haha I dunno why I just thought of it, oh well happy birthday singapore in advance, and lets all remind ourselves that 2008 is coming we are becoming sec twos reallyreally soon and not forget that next year our class birthday is on 13/2 or 21/3 i think should be the latter huh?
Alright, this is a long long post lets all applaud me :D
if we just hold on together; 5:35 PM
ahh. who's the dumb ass that posted some
you screwed up the whole layout, dudette. now the nav bar is like below below because your title was "IDIOTASSHOLERETARDSTUPIDDOWNSYNDROMED... GIT. " hah.
oh. it's simhwee :Dand can someone please change the blogskin soon? jean, d'you still have the codes?
if we just hold on together; 2:45 PM
How dare you! Why did you delete our blog?You know how long it has been already? You idiot!What you deleted was not a just a blog.YOU DELETED OUR MEMORIES! YOU DELETED A PART 113!What was that for?It's not funny you know!!!Why did you do it?It's not a joking matter!Why would anyone wu yuan wu gu delete our class blog????I don't care even if you did it by accident (which is almost impossible)You had better own up!And you IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT! (Notice this is in my most hated font times new roman?)Whether you are from 113 or somewhere else...OWN UP RIGHT NOW!!!Don't say we didn't tell you!You had better own up OR ELSE... DIEEEEEEEE
if we just hold on together; 12:19 AM
*rolls up sleeves threateningly*
we put
EFFORT (sweat and blood, esp. for people like jean) into that blog okay.
and you just went to click and delete it.
very funny?
when did the blog start?
february, march?
POOF.we could have looked back on it and laughed and teased each other about that.
but now we can't.
did you think about that before you deleted our blog?
IDIOT.well if you did it accidentally (which i find
HIGHLY unlikely). well.
OWN UP.actually own up either way.
and i can figure out how to deal with you.
a very pissed simhwee
if we just hold on together; 9:31 PM
WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR BLOG. HERE I QUOTE "IDIOTIDIOTIDIOTIDIOTIDIOTIDIOTIDIOT".:(sarahand another quote from her "don't be such an idiot. if you have the guts to do it, you have the guts to own up. At least give us a reason right? don't wuyuanwugu go and delete ppl's blog. you have offended everone in the whole world OWN UP NOW!":(
if we just hold on together; 6:56 PM
ah. does that mean all our *ahem* posts are gone? D:
awwwww. ):
if we just hold on together; 6:41 PM
Now. I have decided to be kind and revamp the blog.
if we just hold on together; 4:18 PM
Some (@%*#%#!%!#) person just deleted our class blog I dont know who but you better own up. If not I know who you are you are so dead, like so dead so dead so dead.
if we just hold on together; 4:11 PM