Hello people!
I just read jean's (see i so nice never call u a pair of trousers) post which i found amusing =X Well ermm i think im not supposed to feel amused but like feel scared or something.
Anyway, chinese exam is tomorrow. Actually, we cant really study for chinese which makes the whole thing even worse! I think u all have already seen my sms which is a reminder for u guys to bring your dictonary. But just in case there are some people who do not check their phones or cannot hear smses coming in o_O im reminding u all again. I think like the only thing we can do to practice is to try writing compo and si han in 2 hours cuz like we never tried that before D=
So i think thats all. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE!! =) And jia you for EOYS!! =D Oh wait. Remember to check if your dictionary is approved cuz like i dun think u want to bring your dictionary there and then realise that you cannot use it right? =S Although i dun think the invigilator will be so free to go around checking what dictionary yours is, but just in case...Fyi: The blur me almost posted this on my blog when it was supposed to be published here XD~Bye~Venus
if we just hold on together; 4:12 PM
Hello peeeople
tomorrow is the start of eoy!arent you all excited? okay wrong choice of words. first paper is chinese, two hours straight. si han + zuowen. everyone jiayou. hope i feel inspired tmr, so i'll have ideas and things to write about.
and then next paper is geog. omggggg, forgot how long it is already.
then lang arts paper one which is erm.. unseen prose and compo. 2 hours. another very tiring paper, sigh.
thurs is triple science, which should be okay, hopefully.
and friday history, which i havent started revising for. sighs.
monday la paper 2, which is compre +summary. and tues, lo and behold, math -.-
i've this strong suspision im going to fail sci and history, oh well..
nvm, jiayou everyone (direct translation: add oil)
just, er, think of the post-exams activity. ( I WILL NT THINK ABOUT TRAINING + HORRENDOUS PT ON THE LAST DAY OF EOY)
yeah, you heard me correctly lor, i'm having sb training after math paper. math paper = AHHH
training = AHHHHHH
and the wednesday, after math paper, is a holiday. because its marking day, for our scripts. shivers. and the following monday holiday also.
woo, psle is near. not that it's related to us.
am trying to extend this post. -.-
oh yes
happy children's daynot that we're still children, but we're so very totally obviously
young at heart! (: (cheesy grins)
May we be children and cute and innocent (cough) forever.
in all,
GOOD LUCK FOR EOY! tmr's the day.
and sleep well tonight.
eat bird nest.
chicken essence.
sharks fin.
whatever lah!.
if we just hold on together; 3:01 PM
dear 113ers!
my basketball has been taken. D:
was last seen in the canteen while we were taking a break from playing basketball
has my name on it, and might have a 6P on it as well.
if you see anyone playing with it or see it anyway please help me get it back!
thank you <3
and jiayou for EOYs!
if we just hold on together; 3:57 PM
(sorry this is late)
may you grow taller, smarter (aherrrm), and less sick.
if we just hold on together; 11:42 AM
heyhey my
darling onethirteeners.
has anybody finished their homework yet?
i've got like
394835903 pieces left to do :(
anyway. is the
class outing still on and if so,
where are we going?
beach, escape, wildwildwet?
but i probably won't make it if it's in november cause im flying off on the 15th and coming back on the 29th sigh.
sad.so can we decide
quickly quickly then the rest of the class can make plans safely for the holidays.
keep me posted.
simhwee <3p.s. this was really
random right.
if we just hold on together; 11:23 AM
Congratulations on turning thirteen!
祝你 心想事成 学业进步快高长大 XDOh and wish all the people who have third lang oral tomorrow be it french, jap, german (is there even anyone who learns it?) or malay (im the only one)
GOOD LUCK!! =)Okay jean i dont owe the class blog a post anymore! Bye people! And jia you for third lang and eoys =DVenus
if we just hold on together; 6:30 PM
hello everybody :D
its my second time posting here!
anyway, 1st time was jiayou for cross country, this time its jiayou for eoys! :D
love, lauren <3
if we just hold on together; 3:34 PM
look! this is jingting here!! (for her first time -.-) so.
hellos to everyone and hope you have started mugging. i actually only started on geog and its so omgish. )); im dead.
but still!!! erm happy mugging for eoys.
JEAN INTERUPPTS: i have not start muggin, WOW.
BACK TO JT: hahah but you ultra mugger mug one day then can alr. -.-
so yeah. happy mugging.
if we just hold on together; 10:47 AM
Oh that previous post was by me, the one with the mooncake picture. And this is
JEAAAN :DI'd like to say that y'all should go look at 113's Friendster (?!) and Myspace. The url is located at the links portion of our blog.
Birthdays coming
Lauren (-.- you cant say i never rmb anymore!!)
if we just hold on together; 5:22 PM
When Lynn wanted to hand in her art today
it was due yesterday but she forgot to hand in)
And this was what we saw (tzehui, sarah, venus, lynn and me)
In case you cant see it properly it says :
This pigeon hole is not accepting any more late work. All works should have been handed in by now. Works that are not handed in yet are considered very late work and will not be awarded marks
Well, Lynn got depressed and walked away, first time (probably) she got condemned so uhhhh, by a teacher hahahha. But it was quite funnny, cause of the way she Mrs Tan phrased it. Like.. "This pigeon hole" Like the pigeon hole is alive! :D
To liven this up a little, here's the picture of my
Two continuous posts by me, people postttt!!!! :D
if we just hold on together; 5:15 PM
Hoho, posting in class when it's supposedly History period and we are
supposedly doing our history paper. I'm actually looking foward to class contact time. HAHAHAHA, and we're eating lunch after school for some reason.
Sarah just went off in a fit of annoyance haha.
Now, simhwee, audrey and celine are doing ballet?
Venus is watching.
Carissa, Jiaen and Tessa are sleeping.
Tzehui, Amanda and Charlotte are on alphabet mat spasming
Shiting is coming here.
I am posting.
Lynn is playing with Venus' hair.
JT is looking at Lynn playing with Venus hair.
Sarah is using her phone.
Lauren and Joyan are being guai at their tables.
Alicia is observing the class.
Okay, CCT now, bye.
if we just hold on together; 1:57 PM
hahahahahahaha :Dokay.
sorry. not funayye.
aaaahahahahahahahahahahahahabut like lynn says, it's breeding aedes already -- how many eons ago was teachers' day?
and. the LA compo, did miss teng say it on the thursday before the holidays or what? because lauren can't rmb anything. xD
shi ting.
if we just hold on together; 8:09 PM