read this man. is. so. insulting!!
"What is fascinating is that most
Singaporeans, predominantly the younger players, are not aware of how contract bridge is played. In other words, they believe this version of bridge to be 'bridge'."
if we just hold on together; 10:21 PM
haha it's a bit too late but can we have a christmas gathering? (:
haha. we all go to a bbq pit again, and buy 20 packets of butter! :D :D
haha. anyone up for it?
if we just hold on together; 11:14 AM
hellos all .
haha , had truckloads of fun ystd at
class outing ;DD i posted about it , so did carissa and sarah hmm , maybe lynn ? her blog is like
stagnant .-.- uh , those who did make it for this class outing , hope you all will make it for next year's one .
a chalet is nice ! ;DD we can go bowling . LOLS . um , gutter gutter all the way.
you all miss quite alot , but we still can have fun together next year ! ;D
you missed the walking in rain , screaming , cycling , butter-adding-to-fire , sick talk , and all our random stuff .
yayyy .
one thirteen
im quite reluctant to get into twothirteen , i wanna stay sec one forever . its great to be sec one no , youngest and all . though we may stll be together next year , it wouldn't be the same . lets hope it will be better ! :D cause i'll miss all the fun we've as sec one . growing up is plain stupid .
okay , one thirteen i love you !
jean .
thanks to all
who came for the outing. who helped make this possible .
have a great hols , guys .
if we just hold on together; 1:11 PM
yay yay class outing was goood considering our many obstacles -.-!
next year chalet, chalet! :D
if we just hold on together; 11:04 AM
thirteeners :D
haha thank you all of you who showed up today(:
i had a really good time and i hope you guys did too.
yupp, that would be... me, lauren, venus, sarah, jean, lynn, shiting, carissa, jia en, joyan and ms.chooi.
yes, so little right! haha.
we had a lot of left over food, no thanks to the people who mysteriously disappeared. those who didn't come, you people still have to pay okay! i don't care. you guys missed out on a whole lot of fun :D
you guys missed the memorable audrey dropping butter on carissa's foot :D and the commercial fire, and the fu qi guan xi, calling ms.chooi would disturb her and her husband, and how " It's abit too early righttt!" xD
lol. yeah. it was good fun :D
those people who didn't come but still have to pay
1. amanda
2. tessa (sick)
3. alicia (sick)
4. charlotte (sudden cca)
5. jingting (sudden cca)
6. tzehui (cca + suddenly popped up concert -.-! )
yupp. its $4 pleaseee. i'm waiting for the money(:
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 11:30 PM
hi people.
i'm about to start banging my head against the wall and start calling people and shouting into the phone. so. grrrrr.
details for tmr.
Time: 11am
Place: Macdonalds ECP
REMINDER: lunch you pay yourself hor. You can eat first or eat there, i dn care.
To Bring:
- Change of clothes. You get wet, no clothes, your own problem hor.
- MONEY! yes, you need $$ to rent bikes and what not.
- Beach games and stuff.
- BRING YOURSELF LA PLEASE. you guys better comeeee D:
okay. so far, the official people that told me they're not coming tmr are
- sim hwee
- celine
- amanda. AMANDA! you super last minute person. *faints*
the unofficial people
- charlotte (so carissa said? YOU BETTER COME AH. cos you said you wouldd!!! ): )
- jingting (so carissa said. YOU AH. bettter come before i smack you)
- tessa (so carissa said, not coming for the bbq. TESSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAA! )
you people. If you guys are not coming for the event and your name happens to be on the unofficial people list, you are going to somehow either get your butts there tmr or help finish the food from where ever you are because I ordered food according to the then list of people which were SUPPOSED TO BE CONFIRMED! okay. so you can fly to ecp, eat, and fly back to where ever you need to be or something. I don't careeee.
yes, i'm in a veryveryvery baaaaaad moooooood.
pleaseeeee comeeeeee people ><
and somebody, please tell ms.goh its at 11am! I forgot to leave a note at her pigeon hole, i'm sending an email but dno she'll see anot D: omg la. I'm super scared she go at 9 and then i'm so going to tio scolding by her when I arrive. By the way ah, I'm arriving at 2pm, later than all of you cos i have cca. yes, so ah, those of you who appear at 11am ah, please look out for thirteeners because like they might get lost and stuff. yes, please hor! and dn forget ms.goh and ms.chooi please. thanks so much(:
okaaaaay. come ah!
if we just hold on together; 8:10 PM
Heh. First time posting here, I'm sure! I think I forgot to accept the invitation at first, that's why. Lynn sent me another.
Which brings me to the topic at hand. Lynn and I got together to do this little project:
BUNNY CLASSMATES. Sounds cute huh. Charlotte close your eyes and search for the little red 'X' in the top right corner. HAHAHA.
Anyway! Here we go.

AMANDA there. Oh did I mention, I'm Amanda? Oh well. Lynn said that looked like me, poor depressed bunny, hoho.

AUDREY. Lynn didn't believe that Audrey was so kua zhang, but I know she is, yes. Haha, Audrey!

CELINE. Lolling around...and around...
CHARLOTTE poor devastated soul. HAHAHA.

JEAN, going "YESSSSSS". Suits her, no?

JOYAN. Haha, whew! I dunno why, but it's just so her, ne?

TZEHUI. All flex and wobbly HAHHAHA, but looks like her right!!

LAUREN, in debt. HAHAHA like she would ever be!

CARISSA. Awww poor thing! Crying! >.<

TESSA, our beloved whacko monitress.


Lynn said that suits her so much. Give it up for
VENUS. Violent girl.

SHITING. Lynn said she's a mad freak.

LYNN calling people mad freak eh! You weird dancing thingy.


JT. Music freak (like me)!

JIAEN! Doing the Jiaen 'no problem' pose!
Liked it? I did!
if we just hold on together; 8:28 PM
hi peeps(:
cancel on me anytime from now till class outing and you're dead.
take note of that please(:
i quite like my classmates thank you.
koh tze hui, you better come -.-
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 9:30 PM
yahhs , ms khoo and mrs kuan can't make it -,- because they have department meeting . i asked them what bout after meeting ms khoo told me they have dept farewell dinner -,- -,- -,- not like the humans deprt splitting or smth right . -.-
hmm , so yeahs . it'll just be ms chooi and us (woooo) and ms goh of course . oh yes , ms khoo said to " send you all her apologies . and she would loved to go and bring biscuit along . and to have fun "
wtv , i 'd still wanna name her dog poodle . hehs , i'd like to name
any dog poodle . so it doesnt matter whether it's hers . hahs , nvm people i think we'd still obviously have truckloads of fun w/o them ! ;DD
if we just hold on together; 7:20 PM
haha audrey got same prob as me lol.
11am okay? :D
only ms chooi and ms goh ah? got any other teacher? like er ms teng, mrs kuan, mr shone, mrs sandy tan? :/
MS KHOO ISN'T GOING CLASS OUTING! cause she got some dept meeting. then some dinner -.-
if we just hold on together; 6:58 PM
hello people :D
class outing ah.
what time -.- we srsly need to inform the teachers by this friday!
i think 11pm ba.
so if you want to eat your lunch at home den you go ahead. if not, eat at the mac there(:
someone please sms ms.khoo for me and tell her about the time, cos i don't have her number. oh sms ms.chooi as well ah :D den you ask them to tell ms.goh too but i'll leave a note at her pidgeon hole on friday as well. THANKS :D
i haven't done the bank transfer -.- lol. haha.
how're you're holidays :D
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 6:19 PM
hahas . our class blog is dying ald ;DD we must have more things to post about okays . hmm . okay actually i've nothing to say as well , but for the sake of keeping it alive i'll say erm something ? ;D lets type something random .
green and red for xmas ;DD
i want xmas to come soon ! YAYS LALAS . we wish you a merry christmas , we wish u a merry christmas and a happy new year . i look foward to 2ooo8 alot alot ;DDDD
if we just hold on together; 5:37 PM
hello people (:
anyway, for class outing, what's the meeting time? i suggest around 10.30 or 11am, is that okay? 11am lah, can? :D
la voiture.
if we just hold on together; 9:09 AM
thirteen! :D So act like one! Thanks for the fab party :)
if we just hold on together; 7:23 PM
IMPORTANTCan you all decide/vote whether to
1. change the blog address2. let it stay it is:D 2 is better >.< HAH
Hello people elloxzxzxz
let's all tokk twiitxzx alriightz? lurbxzx euu guyys lorhhs! <3>bbq @ east coast park
Things that you (must) bring:1. Extra set of shirt,
UNDERGARMENT (extra undergarment is important, because erm, yeah.. we're going to play with water :D)
2. Shorts/FBTS/Extra set of berms (to play in the water)
3. $9 (boooo, for bbq)
4. Sunblock lotion! (you wouldn't want to get tanned like crap right, lobster! D: unless you're lynn and can use SK II. The lotion should preferably be protecting you from UV rays, you wouldnt wanna get skin cancer!! )
5. Cap
6. Umbrella hahaha
8. Poker cards
9. Own form of entertainment like beach ball, frisbee, soccer, taboo, etc.
10. Sunglasses/Shades :D
11. Own form of snacks, like chips etc.
12. WATER.. (no you cant drink sea water)
Jean :D
edit i got the bgskin done!: D
if we just hold on together; 12:53 PM
it's me. again -.-
I've confirmed the food for the bbq already and the person says no changes and cancellations to be made so TURN UP HOR. If not you still have to pay la -.- So all can come except Sim Hwee? I've smsed and posted here le so if you didn't tell me that's your problem.
- Otah
- Satay (chicken all can eat right)
- Chicken Chops
- Chicken Wing
- Baked Potato
- Hotdogs
I'll bring the marshmellows(: And uh I think someone brings some chips la hor. For snacking and stuff cos we're staying almost the whole day. You can either get yoru own drinks or share with someone and buy it bottled from 7-eleven, I did get cups so ya.
The total cost currently for the food is $152.20 inclusive of equipment charges and the delivery charge but not inclusive of the rental of the pit. Each person has to pay about $9 to Lauren on that day because she has to pay my back the amount as my mum's doing a bank transfer to pay for it. Yes cos the stupid lady wouldn't let me pay it in cash -.- yupp.
Okay. Alot of people have been complaining that 9am to meet is very early -.- you piggs. 9am is not that early la can. Anyway, I'm going to push the time later since I think you all live quite far and yes it's inconvenient i know(: I was thinking either meet at 10.30am so can do some stuff before lunch or we meet at 12pm which would be either immediately have lunch or you guys eat le den go ecp. I need to tell the teachers also so please decide what time you guys want by middle of next week? Yes, thankyou very much :D
yes. that would be all(:
<3 audrey`
if we just hold on together; 10:59 AM
Hey Audrey. Jean here, I think that all the food is situable and stuff. But the prawns abit high class right? Hah! And does majority of the class eat mussells? :D
If possible, can people bring
mashmallows to bbq, it's really quite nice okay! :D
And bbq corn is also nice, as in the whole stump of corn, not corn ears. Yup, that's all I've to say.
Enjoy your hols people!
if we just hold on together; 6:17 PM
again -.-
Okay. I've sent out the order for the food but its unconfirmed so I can make changes. The people are going to call tmr to confirm so any changes I need to know by tonight. So far the food I've ordered are:
- Otah x30
- Satay x100
- Prawns x30
- Chicken Wing x60
- Mussells x20
- Hotdogs x30
- Various sauces.
I'm not ordering drinks cos I think either someone can bring (bottled!) or we can get it at 7 eleven or mac ourselves. Do you guys want chicken chops? lol. The cost right now is actually pretty high cos the cutlery and equipment for the bbq costs about $40 and the food is now at around $140. Yeah so it's quite expensive now at about $9 per person. Carissa suggested chops cos its more filling then maybe I'll take out the prawns? Cos the prawns are quite ex. ya.
ohyes. We are making the teachers pay(: They can't have everything free right! LOL ya. if not cost really is quite high cos I assume they eat more than us? xP
Right. So once again, anyone who can't make it and isn't LIM SIM HWEE please contact me by tonight. I need LOADS of suggestions about the bbq food and stuff so feel free to sms or poke me on msn(: The tagboard's a good place too although I'm not very sure how long the cbox will remain visible to me la so its abit risky especially if its about the guest list. yupp. So think about it yeah(:
<3 audrey`
if we just hold on together; 4:31 PM
I'm going to order the food for the barbeque in like 15mins later. haha. Yes so right now I have the "guest list" for our class gathering. If your name is there but you cannot come please tell me
IMMEDIATELY. Thank you(: This is to avoid me over ordering food and us waiting for you, the non-existent guest on that day.
- ALL except Lim Sim Hwee-
Please take note, unless your name is Lim Sim Hwee and you are 170cm, you are included in the ALL :D
- Mrs. Kuan
- Ms. Khoo
- Ms. Chooi
- Ms. Goh
- Mr. Shone (?)
Mr. Shone hasn't responded to the invitation la so I'm not so sure yet.
Do you guys eat alot ah? Now there's abbout 21-22 people depending on Mr. Shone. Do you think it's enough if I order food for 20? Or do you think it's safer to get food for 25? I shall seek the opinions of the people online now and order first, I should be able to change it if the need arises. Please, if you cannot make it and you are NOT Lim Sim Hwee, TELL ME NOW! good. Glad we're clear on that very important point :D
<3 audrey`
if we just hold on together; 3:13 PM
Come to advertise about my birthday again.
Sunday, 11 November, 1.30 PM.
No, you can't come earlier because I have STUFF before that.
My address is Blk 856B #02-154, Tampines St. 82.
If you want I might be able to pick you up at Tampines Mall, but uh you have to message me beforehand first.
Right. Please come okay. And tell me. I received very little confirmations :(
And, since C & D is over and I probably won't be seeing the whole class again for a LOOOOONG time.
Just wanted to say that I had a great year with onethirteen. :D And that I love all of you VERY MUCH, even if we don't hang around very often, or don't talk to each other a lot, I still enjoy your company. Yeah. And even if we've argued or uh held grudges to each other before, I still love you. (: Heh.
Gosh I'm going to cry already.
Okay no.
Uh yeah. So tell me if you can come, or I'll just assume you can't and write you off the guest list.
I'm too lazy to colourify my post, so it's going to stay like that. Hee.
Simhwee <3
if we just hold on together; 5:25 PM
You guys did great for c&d today :D
Yupp. haha We didn't screw it xP
Anyway, I hope you all had fun cos I sure did(: Maybe not during the performance but before it. Yes, those of you who didn't come, we had fun on our night walks around the school, especially the first one :D
if we just hold on together; 11:26 PM
hey guys,
er after watching all the other C&D performances.... i think it's quite obvious that we do need some music, yeahh.
yeah this is just my opinion right, but i think there are places where music can be included. e.g. when we change scenes, during the taiji scene, or you can parody that advertisment and go do that hiphop taiji at first before doing the "old people" taiji. er yeahhh. come on this is once in a year, let's make it great. :D
if we just hold on together; 7:31 PM
hello everyone (:
anyway, yeah audrey is very accurate.
we did earn a total of $414.95 and minus the capital of $208.20, we got $206.75! yay us (:
hehe for the barbecue no one needs to pay anything too. we're still quite rich because they refunded us our capital so currently there is $194.40 in the treasury. so yup, Carissa you can get the money both for the drinks (fundraising) and the barbecue stuff from me (:
jiayou for choral and drama night performance!
<3 lauren
if we just hold on together; 5:30 PM
i have no voice left now, so i shall do virtual shouting(:
We have raised a grand total of $206.75 excluding our cost.
And by the way, our cost was about $208.20
So high cost xD
Anywayy, 3 cheers for one thirteen! We finally made our fundraising a success!
Good job everyonee(:
Jiayou for our c&d night!
<3 audrey`
if we just hold on together; 10:49 PM
hey guys (:
the bbq pit is all booked, its pit 31
for the bbq, (please let it not rain!) yeah. i think it will last for about 2 hours? so, i suggest that since there are 16 people going, excluding teachers, we split ourselves up into four groups of four. and each group will bbq for half-an-hour. this is fair right? you can't expect to sit there the whole night while others bbq for you. so, yeaah. please don't tell me you are scared of fire hor. -.-!!!
if we just hold on together; 9:14 AM