hey thirteeners(:
bring your mats tmr kayyy.
and soft toys too if you have and don't mind bringing(: I'll be getting Mr.Lee to sign the mat tmr. no objections right(: tmr you guys can get laoshi to sign it too. yupps. I don't think we'll have the books corner this year, cos last year loads of books went missing. including mine. which is still lost. and the treasury has yet to pay for it. yes.
i shall be naggy and remind you people about the rules for using the corner(:
1. it is class property, so please take care of it :D
2. its open all the time for anyone but please, NO SHOES! and if people want to sit, dn like go and purposely dn let them have space. LOL.
3. the softtoys right, please take care of them! andandand try not to play with the soft toys during class cos teachers might scold. ahem. distractions. ahem. ms.chooi.
4. DUTY CLEANING! please we have to really maintain cleanliness! Today the person came, while i was in class and I thnk we got a C :D yayyy! maintain cleanliness of the corner, and lift up the mat at least once every two weeks to clean the floor underneath it :D oh and dn throw your rubbish at the mat =.=
right :D
so please bring your mats and soft toys tmr(:
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 8:06 PM
Hey everyone.
So I guess most of you saw the sms from Simhwee? Since I think MsChooi was erm quite disappointed in us (
LOL) I think we should like show that we're not that .. I dont know, shows that we're not that dead as a class,and that we actually do care?
I know most of you (inclusive of me, honestly) feels that MsChooi spoke abit unjustly and stuff, but I guess like Mr Lee said,"Everyone has their bad days" so maybe we ourselves dont know that we uh, changed from last year? So, since shes our form teacher (and she's been frank enough to tell us how she felt) I guess it's only right to like do smth to cheer her up?
So we're ginving flowers (sunflowers, actually) cause simhwee's mum can get them (and maybe sponser hahahah) and i can make a card (.. dont expect much from it) and then yup..
And give to her during PCCG, so.. before we do
No objections right? Any STRONG objections?
(In the meantime, we might just want to start erm self-reflecting. Eh, why am I so cheem today ok nvm. Cause I think
sometimes (SOMETIMES) we really get quite distracted during her lesson. Although I know we all still pay attention, but sometimes its the impression we give her, so yeah lets try and be more focus-looking in class..)
if we just hold on together; 6:23 PM
yayy i am so wu liao...okay...juniors, even if i'm one of those 213-ers that you probably don't know...never heard of, cause i don't associate much with you people, i think you people are nice! XD haha dinnie this sounds so lame you know! but yep! juniors are nice ^^ ALL of them. in their own way. have a nice day!
if we just hold on together; 9:00 PM
I feel so desperate to get people to listen.
It was so cool to finally get juniors, now they probably all hate me.
Because I'm Big, Fat and Mean.
if we just hold on together; 8:25 PM
hello!!! the choir is selling cookies (macadamia nuts WITH chocolate chip) that we'll be baking ourselves for $12 per jar. ^^ it's for our fundraising ^^ so if you people want to buy you can approach me or amanda (naturally you should approach me cause i'm nicer heehee XD) tell me by err...preferably monday. i'm not sure how long i have to take orders....but i do know the choir will bake on monday, not sure if that's the only date we'll bake. SO yeah! preferably monday! kay? kay? buy! haha OH OH and AS5 is due thursday!!! remember kay? XDTze Hui
if we just hold on together; 9:13 PM
okaay. I haven't posted in a gazillion years. But unlike the rest of the world I have a horrible class position so I don't have to uhms. chase for funds or homework =.= yes. anywayyyyyys. yes just here to uhms. talk rubbish :D
actually, its about our sleepy corner.
I think you all noticed our table has been moved away ): very unfortunately. but do you guys want to have the sleepy corner there? since there's space? although it would be unpleasantly near the rubbish bin and my table! (which everyone loves to put everything on since its so fantastically near the door =.=) or do you want to move the back table forward into that space and place the corner there instead. it would be like abit more secluded la. or do you guys just want to do away with the entire corner D:
suggestions on the tagboard please :D
and i'm compiling a birthday list (not so we can thick-skin go put at juniors class =.=) so everyone please tag on the tagboard :D oh and i locked my blog(: so if i forgot to invite you cos I think iwas quite sleepy and blur that day please uhm msn me then i'll invite :D
hahas okay. turned out to be a not so rubbish&nonsensical post after all.
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 9:52 PM
Sorry sorry wrong blog.
Well I doubt anyone saw my post but in case you did.
Blogger is annoying.
if we just hold on together; 7:29 PM
You're fourteeeen and the oldest in the classs. May you have less sick thoughts and be ever-good in studies, and everything else you want will come true :D
if we just hold on together; 4:02 PM
Thanks sims for that wonderfully colourful and cheery post :D
Haha, I still think I look not me lor, I not so retarded!! omg -.-
So, for CNY decoration right..
I sort of have this idea in mind.
It's quite lame hehehe.
So we can make that thread of angpow thing and hang on windows, and then I was thinking you know we can make a mouse head using paper plates.
Like one big paper plate, and two small round things as ears.
HAHA. I know its lame.
But we can make different designs and stuffff.
if we just hold on together; 7:14 PM
lazy(I have a few in mind...) people who
can't be bothered to look at the archives.

THIS is what we will be using for the
class tee, along with Cel's
213(look below if it's still there). I think it's
rather cute, no? So I doubt anyone will have
objections. Although Amanda might want to draw a
new one, I
completely do not look like me -_-
Yup. If you DO have
objections you can
tag (TAGTAGTAG! :D But make sure it's visible and not covered by spam or something -_-). Or
confront others. Tagging's
And we're not including that
dongbangshinki (LOVELOVELOVE :D) thing, no. Do you want
Chooi Chooi to be in the picture? I think it's a bit -_- but we can
vote or something.
Yup. I'll be passing the
hard copy to Amanda on
Sunday :D so she can start DRAWING yay. (: And then we can decide on the
colour and the
final design and stuff, alright.
And since I'm here, I can confirm
homework :D
- AL2 for Math. (Due Tuesday)
- AS5 for Science (Due ??)
- Geog Assignment (Due on Wednesday next week I think.)
- History Assignment (Due 4/2, Monday of next next week.)
- LA Character Worksheet thingy. (Discussing on Monday.)
- FPS for FPS people. (Most probably due on Tuesday or something.)
- OM for OM people.
- Math SIA Proposal Form (DUE NEXT WEEK PEOPLE.)
- Drama Journal (-_-)
- CME Newpaper thingy. DO DO DO!
And I think there's nothing else. Hopefully. It's
very long already, this list. Anyway. DON'T FORGET TO DO MATH ESP. CAUSE OTHERWISE I'LL
KILL YOU. Or make a lot of fuss.
^^ Happy weekend people.Love,
Simhwee <3Oh and don't forget the
CNY Deco! :D
if we just hold on together; 6:40 PM
hello two thirteen (:
treasury updates! so we're left with $10.35 after paying the money-eating photocopying shop like $1oo+. Yup and fyi, BBQ funds - $5 per person, went towards the $160 for the food that night and all the small payments for other stuff like butter, marshmallows etc.
so for the more day-to-day kind of payments at the photocopying shop, would you rather pay $1 a day to build up treasury funds or pay in bulk like $5 - $10 when necessary?
so thats option a and b, please vote!
- lauren
if we just hold on together; 9:57 PM
HELLO HELLO! remember...science worksheet AS3 due on tuesday next week! forget and die!!! ^^ haha
if we just hold on together; 1:18 PM
hey hey thirteeners.
it's miss teng's birthday tmr. haha happy birthday ms teng (:
anyway, i sent her an email using our gmail as a birthday wish/spam (LOL) for her.
heres what i said. i'll post her reply :)
Hello Ms Teng!! :D A big big big happy birthday to you! (or if you want, burpday.)We hope you liked the reallly cute (and er, flat) cat cushion/stuff toy we gave you and that it would accompany you everywhere (well, at least in the staffroom or at home) You can hug it to sleep :P Or you can even sit on it, but er.. poor cat. Were you touched, or surprised this morning! HAHA, okay kiddddding. But we remember your birthday, and told the juniors, well accidentally I guess :) You may not be our LA teacher now but we stilllll love you alot (sounds so corny ohmygoodness) and lets save the words-that-will-give-goosebumps. Think you what we mean :)Have a really really great birthday. "Your age is no surprise, its what you get up to at your age that's a big surprise!" Think this as the centre of the creamy sweet cake (okay this doesnt make sense but whatever) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN :D (who else will write such a rubbish email other than your stupid LA rep :P) P.S Read the card! You wanna know how we got that uh.... silly looking photo of you :D We're so resourceful yeahhh!! And hope you like the card, I put effort into it!! :D (i'm praising myself, i think celine spreaded her ego to me or something.) Have fun with the juniors, and we hope you will enjoy teaching them, and not have problems with them like you did with us :(Okay, nevermind :D213'08 :)and her reply was... (amusing)
HI my one year older (wiser?) one-thirteen crazies:
What can I say? You guys are nuts! Nutty but sweet!You really shouldn’t have gone to such expense with the gift (not that I don’t appreciate it…I DO like it).
But the card and the daily smiles more than suffice. Really.
Anyway, MOE has this policy about teachers accepting expensive gifts…hmmm… Oh well…
Well, you guys make sure you stay happy and sweet and NICE!
Thanks again for remembering your aged LA teacher.
Miss Teng
if we just hold on together; 9:22 PM

Here's my design, if you want it, then we can add in colours to suit the shirt. There was another one, but I realized it sucked.
if we just hold on together; 8:22 PM
i am making a desperate plea, has anyone seen my TKAM? it's been missing for quite a while. >.< i hope someone took it by accident or something, i think our classroom is quite prone to theft as it can't be locked.
if someone sees my TKAM please tell me, thank you (:
if we just hold on together; 11:47 PM
hey everyone,
as you know, ms teng's birthday is
next saturday (hint hint) and i think she's turning the big 4-0 :o
yeah. but do you all want to do something for her? like a card, or maybe even a present? and maybe if ms chooi will let us we can borrow 5 mins of pccg to go over to 113 (to see our juniors) and to sing her a birthday song. i think it'll be really sweet (: just to let her know we are a sweet and caring class :D
if we just hold on together; 8:52 PM
Hi 213.
Er, those people in FPS for special programme. Ms Khoo says to meet at Library next week for lessons, yeah thanks. And please rmb to do your research. So heres the things we have to do, for school..
1. Research for FPS (for fps-ers)
2. Read ToKillAMockingBird ):
3. Art mindmap on leadership+teambonding, bring visual diary and research on leadership pictures
4. Zuowen for those who havent finish
5. Quiz on Atomic structure, elements and periodic table next week.
6. Task analysis for Home Ec.
Jiayou jiayou, first week of sch is over!
if we just hold on together; 5:14 PM
yayy how was first day(:
just a small reminder, bring your report books tmr okayy :D
and treasury owes me money for the bbq and my lost book so PAY UP!
andandand i want a purple class teeee :D
andandand the alphabet mat right. please bring them back by next monday(: cos i think over the weekend uncle jack should move the tables away if we go tell the admin people. yupp. so we'll have the sleepy corner up next week :D
yupp. classes start tmr people ._.
yeah well. has to start sometime.
here's to a brand new year and a fab 2008 as 213<3
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 9:33 PM
I cant wait for Chinese New Year, ang pows! HAHA.
Hope we can enjoy our last year (or maybe not) as a class together!! YAY.
if we just hold on together; 10:53 AM