Haha, yay we got our class tee! Yup yup I think its really cool xDD Yayyy, official school for term 1 ended, omg time pass SO fast! D: Sigh sigh... Treasure our times together !! 3 more terms :/ Haha, thanks Car for collecting class tee!!
So, does anyone know exactly what we got for class cleanliness :P?
This is late, but.. the class wishes
Blah blah the terrorist is stll uncaught, shiver shiver hahahha...
Hm, okay bye...
if we just hold on together; 7:31 PM
Yay peeple yay! We got 12 for cleanliness [: I think it's an A! ((((:
if we just hold on together; 3:15 PM
hello people :)
its lauren here. some treasury updates:
first and foremost, very importantly, please pay up for the class T- Shirt! Its late because its supposed to be due on Monday xP Yeah if you don't pay up by Thursday (tmr) we might not be able to get our class tees by this week.
also, did anyone take like $1 less change on anything, or paid $1 extra. Because the treasury has a weird $1 lying around :) so if you think its yours, do come claim it! but of course, be honest :)
okay thats all! & yeah! Buy NYCD tickets :)
Love Lauren
the bestEST alliteration in the world.
if we just hold on together; 10:38 PM
hello thirteeners(:
this is sort of urgent so it'd be nice if someone responds. lol.
you know nycd is having a performance on the 1st of august at the esplanade right! yes, so i have to give an estimated number of tickets i can sell. if any of you are interested you can like tell either me or lauren, so that we can get the tickets for you, if not they're going to fly away quite fast(: yayyy cos nycd is pro and loads of people wan come watch. yaaaa.
tickets are going at $20, $40 and $60.
i know its abit ex la, but its at the esplanade and all, and pity us our estimated expenditure is about $60-70k so yes we need to cover costs(:
tell me sooooon okay. thanks!
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 7:56 PM
hello 213.
our class shirts are
ready for collectionhowever. i cannot collect the tees until everyone in the class has paid up. so far only 9 people paid -.- so if not everyone pays up, then i cannot collect the tees.
so if you see this and you know someone who hasn't paid, please remind them to bring the money
tmr don't drag. :/
if we just hold on together; 7:39 PM
Hello its math and we're at tablet lab.. Ms chooi is walking around, better go... BYE!!
if we just hold on together; 9:36 AM
regarding the uh. custard yellow whale thing.
there was a picture of a custard yellow whale at church today :D
lol. random~
if we just hold on together; 9:02 PM
Actually, whales are neither gray nor white nor BLUE -.- (although most are gray [: ) and we got on this topic because a certain person ahemlynn had some rather stupid opinions on the guides (the blue ones) =.=
No offence to any guides or any one for that matter.
if we just hold on together; 8:16 PM
everyone know they're custard yellow and have seventeen gall bladders.
if we just hold on together; 3:17 PM
how did we get on this whale topic anyway O.O
if we just hold on together; 10:57 AM
if we just hold on together; 9:38 PM
(PS: Whales are gray.)
if we just hold on together; 8:49 PM
Good day! for those of you who have not submitted their practical six, please do so as early as possible on
Monday morning. I'm not sure if Miss
Goh needs practical six's marks to do her progress reports. Normally, she doesn't mark so quickly, so she might not use it. Then again, if she needs it, and she doesn't have those practicals, does it mean that these people will get zero marks? Oh dear. I'm really not sure. I doubt it though. Most probably she didn't collect the practicals from her
pigeon hole today. That depends on when Carissa handed in the practicals. Miss Goh might have gone home already, so on Monday morning if you hand it in it's still in time. Anyway Miss Goh is a nice person, who is reluctant to give people zero. So look on the bright side! XD~your lovely science rep. (did i did i did i not sound like me?? XDDD hahahaha i was trying to make it not sound like something done by me! did i succeed? i made it more formal!! XDDDDDD
if we just hold on together; 7:45 PM
happy birthday jeaaaan.
213 wishes you a happy year of being 14 and a new member of the lao ren club :D
if we just hold on together; 7:01 PM
wow. more than half of you didn't hand up your SIA -.-
anyway those pee-ple that haven't handed it up yet, LLS said it's due by tomorrow:
Saturday, Febuary 22, 2008 23:59:99 GMT +8, EST -11. Don't be laaaate (:
And, people who asked for extenstion
ahemtzetzeahemcarahem I'm not too sure when it's due for you. (If she said mon, then probably monday ba.)
And if you're not going to school I think you can send it to her via school email (like lynn -.-). Ahh. [:
if we just hold on together; 2:41 PM
heyy guys.
just a
friendly reminder. the 13 chinese people your SIA is due tomorrow,
although there's no chinese. and for those people without the template/notes thing, I have the soft copy. -.-
shi ting. [:
if we just hold on together; 4:53 PM
hi thirteeners.
class tee is orange with black design.
wasn't any brown.
so sorry.
i called up all of you a billion gazillion time and used up alot of my own time and so did carissa cos she went to queensway alone okay. so please do not complain.
thankyou very much(:
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 4:44 PM

if we just hold on together; 9:54 PM
i have something to say about class tee design ><
uh ya. jean ah, you chop the pictures hor, some of them nv cut properly, like venus's name is like abit the cut off. and can you like render the transparency cos got like little specks here and there cos its paper background then it might appear on the shirt den veh gross -.- ya.
great job on the shirt though :D
oh btw, the juniors have the same colour scheme you guys know right ._. we'll match -.-
if we just hold on together; 8:07 PM
hey so erm i'll go get the printing of the shirt done, is that okay? this is carissa by the way.
regarding the class shirt, it's really nice, thanks jean. but are we giving the teachers? and to be honest, if we are, (and we should give ms chooi at least.... i mean it's our last year as a class and she's our teacher for 2 years) then we should draw them in right? or else it would be really weird and kind of put-offish to them. i mean i would feel kind of hurt.
but hey, that's just my personal opinion lah. i know it would be creating extra work for amanda but i'd thought i'd just express it cause, yeah.
so erm, if its possible maybe we could get the final drawing done by tmr or thurs, then i'll go to queensway shopping centre to get it done asap, cause it takes about a week to get it done. so it's brown POLO right? and baby pink words. correct?
okay, yup! can't wait for this :D
if we just hold on together; 12:54 PM

Here's the class tee design, which I photoshopped -.-
Whoever is printing the tee, you think the design is too wide? Should it be like longer in length and shorter in width?
Yah lah, whoever is printing just print it. Rmb to get the front design from Celine, and the colour for the printing of the design is light pink. Brown is the shirt colour. Yup..
if we just hold on together; 9:17 PM
yay I'm so glad you guys finished all the pandan cake :D goood. I don't want to be eaten by flies thank you very much(:
Hope Car and gang had fun bai nian-ing at Ms.Teng's and Ms.Chooi's house today. I wanted to go D: had church. yesh.
the thing is, people if you haven't brought your mats (ahem me =x) bring on monday! But I think it's only me so ohwells. oh and BRING YOUR SOFT TOYS :D I think crab's coming back on Monday, and so is Pluto (I think) and probably the blue giraffe too :D yayyy. Please clean the mat regularly D:
oh and I shall uh advertise :D
my church is doing this 12blessings blessing campaign :D yayy. We're blessing people, christians or not for the entire of this month. Of course all the time but you know, we're having an, uh you can call it a blessing drive :D yayy. So if you want me to pray for you, anything also can, you can pray for full marks for chem quiz, 100 marks for block test, whatever :D come and approach meeeeee. yayy then I can bless people :D come ahh.
okaay. I'm doneeee. rmb the blessing campaign thing :D
have fun over the weekend people, poor people who have to do zuowen. yay :D
<3 audrey
if we just hold on together; 10:34 PM
hello people.
be nice and do your chinese compo and chinese SIA and whatever (what ah?) is due on monday.
if we just hold on together; 9:10 PM
Hey, tmr class breakfast, rmb to bring the stuff okay! look foward to it! at least it's better than sitting in LT. Omg -.- Haha, okay okay early dismissal too, and rmb to do math worksheet, zuowen and chinese sia! :D
if we just hold on together; 9:47 PM
hello 213,
we can go to ms teng's house at 11am :D
yay :D
ms teng's address is ______________________________.
i didn't check phone book for that!
i admit it, i tried, but don't have!
don't kill me for my quote on the board. it was so original and so cheem and so perfect for valentine's day :D :D :D yay.
okay byebye
if we just hold on together; 7:16 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO USIt's been a year (and a bit) and we'll probably celebrate this again properly in March or something. Hee. I love you guys yeah?
It's VALENTINE'S DAY TOMORROW! Have you got your presents and stuff for friends? I have! (: You'll see tomorrow. Heehee.
Anyway. Hopefully you have a nice ren2 ri4 with your family. We're supposed to eat yusheng -_- but I don't like it. So I'm not eating ^^ I ate little for dinner today yay me! (:
Alright I think you're probably bored. So BYEBYE. ^^
Simhwee <3
if we just hold on together; 7:00 PM
harlo two-thirteen :D
who is free to go and bainian on sat?
jingting suggests that we go to ms teng's house in the morning (late morning), then go have lunch together then head to ms chooi's house! what do you all think about that? :/ of course can reverse the order also lah. who is freee! tell me, i need to tell the respective teachers. :D
love from
mrs hor-hor
if we just hold on together; 8:56 PM
Hi this is a random post.
Is there chinese supp tmrw?! And are we doing gong han ):
So, we getting cake for mrs kuan right :D :D
Lets not reveal her birthday!! :D :D
I want go MsChooi's house bai nian, haha.
if we just hold on together; 5:14 PM
Hello hello. (:
I've come to remind people to print their Math stuff for the next chapter. It's called Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations. Not the schedule thing. Well some people are that slow right.
Okay nevermind. PRINT DOUBLE-SIDE FOR CD SE1 AND WKSHT SE1. Save paper okay? ^^
And uh Amanda and Jia En you have SAC Duty this week! Only time in Term 1 haha. Amanda's is on Wednesday after school and Jia En is on Thursday after school. Hopefully you've made plans to exchange with other people. Or you can start exchanging now. ^^
Yup. I'm too lazy to colourify this again. So I'll just sign off.
And Jean I think that'd make a very nice blogskin ^^ GO JEAN! So pro at photoshop.
Btw come to my blog and TAG. I got a new blogskin ^^ after eons.
sunsnaillollipop.blogspot.comThere you go. Big and pretty. Just click. My tagboard is a bit -_- but I'll fix it. If I fix it.
And we only had AS7 to do right?
Simhwee. <3
if we just hold on together; 4:09 PM

Click to enlarge.
Is it okay if I use this as the new blogskin? :)
if we just hold on together; 11:18 AM
Whoever un-shitingish and lost her rubiks cube, please remind JingTing to bring it to school when school reopens on Monday.
JingTing is very sorry for any inconvenience caused and will be responsible for it.
Thank you,
if we just hold on together; 8:21 PM
hello (: (:
are you all free next weekend! ms teng says probably can go and bai nian at her house! :D i don't know the exact timing or anything. who wants to go! she lives at holland drive there.
or do you all want to ask ms chooi if we can go to her house bai nian! can go ms teng's house then ms chooi's HAHA. :D
yay yay this sounds so amusing and FUN! it's our last year together as a class, let's go bai nian!
if we just hold on together; 2:09 PM
Yes. I have
nothing to do so I'm posting here -_-.
Miss Chooi sounded
very touched. :D
Oh you know
Maths Dept they
changed her name to
Mdm Chooi. Okay that was
random. Anyway.
I only know that because apparently
107 wants to
give him a present or something. (Aww they're so
sweet.) Eh. It's
super far away so we can decide if we want to
ignore it. Or we can
make him a card. I know he's not the
most likeable teacher, but he's still better than
Ms. Chang (okay she's not THAT bad either) (just not very interesting) (alright they're about the same) right. At least he's
funny. (sometimes.) (not always.) (uh he tries to be.)
That's coming from a
physically challenged person like me. Yes.
Let's all
make a guess as to who this person is!
I think it's kind of
obvious. Heh.
if we just hold on together; 6:41 PM
HEYYY. Being me, I send ms chooi an email after we gave her the flowers. but i forgot to post what i emailed, so sorry!! but anyway, she replied (oh btw, i used class email..)
Dear Ms Chooi,
We hope you like the flowers and the letter. Really really sorry that we've caused you so much disappointment without actually realising it. But again, thanks for being frank with us, we really appreciate that. And do not shed your precious tears okay! Besides the reason that they're precious, there's really no need to. And it also saddens us to see you sad/annoyed/disappointed. So, dont waste your tears on such matters. Cry when there's happier things, which will probably have a lot in the year.
Last year's been great with you, really. And nothing's going to change. It's actually quite true we've been neglecting other things, but we try to put in an effort. We've been neglecting our classroom cleanliness for one, and the decorations. Maybe everyone just really busy with their work, but we know it's not an excuse so we're really sorry. Our class hasn't really been the most angelic class, be it this year or last year. But we will (and do) try out best! It's gonna be one great year! After this year, you may not ever teach us again. That's sad.. really. Being with you for 1 year and 1 month, it's really been a great experience and loads of fun.
But there's so much to look fowards to this year, as a class and of course, with you! Choral and Drama night, YouthDay funfair, and many many other things as well. So, we hope that you'll continue being the amusing and amazing teacher you've been, and our class is and will be as bonded forever!
With love,213
And her reply...
Dear Thirteeners,
Thank you for your email. It’s full of love and warmth, brightens up my Monday. I am really touched by your concern and kind words. I love the flowers and cards you gave me. It was a big surprise and I carried them to meeting in another school where I caught quite some attention from the other teachers. But what makes me the happiest is seeing you show the diligence and class-spirit again.
Not that I didn’t see them at all this year, but at times I do not disappointed that the class behave like nails – hammer it then it will move. Well, maybe not a very good analogy, but I do have high expectations of you, so it really hurt me when I see the lack of self-discipline of the class. I am happy to know that you enjoy being in my form class. I know I haven’t been the perfect form teacher, but we learn together. Learning how to understand and communicate to each other better.
I am sorry if I caused you to worry too much about my outburst of emotion the other day. That’s not very professional, is it? All right, continue to be the happy Thirtheeners that I know and I love.
Do reflect on your behaviour always because you’re responsible for yourself ultimately. What the family and school do is to impart you with the knowledge and correct values, but only you can decide whether to use them well to be a respected person in the end. I see the CNY decorations being put up in class. They look good. I am looking forward to the various activities that we will have as a class in 2008 too! Happy Chinese New Year to all!
Regards,Ms Chooi
if we just hold on together; 8:07 PM
Okay, there's been rather positive feedback bout the noticboard which is good! But... hopefully u guys dun tear it down when u actually see it on monday. haha. oh and i miraculously updated my blog =P
oh and the only piece of hw i can seem to rmb that is due is history assignment. can anyone remind me off the rest, if there is any.
Okay super random pic. just to make this post look a bit longer.
if we just hold on together; 12:48 AM

Here's the class photos! I realised all class photos look the same hahahahha. BUT, my hair looks really messy here hahaha
if we just hold on together; 8:46 PM
Hey guys.
Venus and I stayed back today, and did the noticeboard. HAHAHA.
and we ruined it. I got a picture of it!!
be mentally prepared..
it's really ugly..
here we go...
be prepared...
Here. I warned you.
It looks much worst in real life.
AH SORRY!!! You can all take it down I guess...
And history assignment.
if we just hold on together; 8:11 PM